How To Stop Attracting Wounded Masculine Energy

We attract what we are an energetic match for

Ooh, that may feel triggering! But stay with me…

Wounded attracts wounded and divine attracts divine.

I know this revelation can sound uncomfortable, but this here is a place for the inner work! For deep inner reflection, where we can leave our egos at the door.

There is no shame in the inner work, it’s part of our life’s purpose!

So let’s rewind back to when I was stuck in all of these toxic relationship patterns, with guy after guy having a different face, but the same behaviour and energy. When I was finally able to put my ego aside and become conscious of this pattern, I was like..

‘Okay universe, i’m paying attention. This is not a coincidence, something is clearly going on here - so I’m going to look within’

And this is not about blame, but personal power.

So as I learnt about the wounded masculine and the wounded feminine, I was able to recognise that yes, I was embodying some wounded feminine traits.

It all made sense! That’s why I kept attracting the wounded masculine, because we were a match for each other!

So how did I break the pattern + stop attracting this? I changed myself, I did the work to heal my feminine energy.

As I gradually healed more and more, the people I was dating begun reflecting that! It was so funny to watch that outside world change to mirror the changes to my inner world.

For example, when I learnt to stop people pleasing, betraying my own needs and worrying about expressing myself in case I got gaslighted or abandoned - I started to recognise that I was no longer a match for people who would shut me down, who were emotionally repressive, or who would gaslight, because I wasn’t at that frequency anymore.

Whereas the more I would be quiet and walking on eggshells, the more I was emitting a frequency of ‘guarded’ and all of the things I didn’t want to attract. The more people would recognise that and take advantage of it!

So yes, I turned the mirror inwards and did a tonne of inner work to heal my wounded feminine patterns and behaviours. And as I did that, I started to attract better and better in all areas of my life and THEN, I also consciously manifested my partner.

So in order to stop attracting wounded masculine energy, the most powerful shift is to stop asking, ‘Why is he behaving like this?’ and start asking, ‘what is it in me that attracts and entertains this?’

Is it because that flightiness, uncertainty and detachment feels attractive to you?

Is it because his actions make you feel ‘not good enough’ so now you need his approval?

Is it because you feel you need him to feel safe? (because you don’t feel safe in yourself)

Because when a guy ghosts you, sends you mixed messages or stays in the shallow end - that’s on him. But the pull in you that just wants him more now… that’s a flashing arrow showing you where you have wounds to heal. Because when you’ve bonded with wounded masculine energy in your formative years, you may find those wounded traits attractive. When you have an abandonment wound, or haven’t felt safe, you may seek safety even where it doesn’t lie. When you have the unworthiness feminine wound, you make seek his validation, even if he’s not what you want.

But whilst these patterns aren’t a coincidence, they’re also not a life sentence, but just data highlighting the wounds that need to heal, the shifts that need to happen + the aligned energy you need to embody.

Ready to become f*ck boy free + cherished? Access my masterclass here.

Ready to break toxic relationship cycles and manifest your man? Access my masterclass here

Leela Sule