What is human design? The New Age Success System That Will Change Your Life

Can you feel it?! It literally gives me chills!

We are in a whole new era, where things are only becoming more & more about a whole new type of transcendence.

As a collective, we are shedding our old success systems entirely. It’s happening in the entrepreneurial world that’s less inhibited by fixed structures first. But I see it happening worldwide eventually. It’s no longer about becoming, but remembering

Not about learning to be a success, but uncovering the success system you have built inside you .


You see, our old success system was based on trying to become something. It was about ‘doing’ more, working harder in an effort to force our goals to happen. It was about investing in shiny solutions, to what we perceived to be our ‘lack’. It was about learning the ways of other successful people and trying to imitate them.

But now, with the receipt of new information, a revolution is underway! Our new success system is brewing and many have already adopted it. It’s about slowing down to speed up, so to speak. It’s about taking the time to go inwards, identifying the valuable and aligned tasks that matter. It’s about investing not from lack and desperation, but excitement and curiosity. It’s no longer about imitating the ways of the successful, but turning the mirror inwards, and learning about our biggest asset; ourselves. Learning our own roadmap to success, based on our unique human design.

Human design is the new age success system that is built off of the belief that we were all perfectly designed for success, just in different ways. It’s a unique blend of the I Ching, Kabbalah, the chakra system, astrology and quantum physics!

Because did our creator pick some of us out to be successful & live their dreams… and others to be granted no such potential? Doesn’t seem feasible to me. None of us were made superior, yet we are all superior to each other in 𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 ways. And, equally, inferior in others. Because we are all equal, but not the same.

We all have our own brilliance that comes in different forms. You might have just misplaced it, amongst the paradigm society has inbuilt, that only 𝗰𝗲𝗿𝘁𝗮𝗶𝗻 traits are ‘success’ traits. Untrue! You were designed for success! You just have to shed all that conditioning and align to 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 way and to your authentic self.

The magic of human design as a tool to do this blows my mind! We’ve only had access to this knowledge for just over 30 years! That’s why we’re still hanging onto our old way … but not for long.

Want to learn more about Human Design? Dive deeper into how to use this system to manifest your dream life in this podcast episode.

Ready to manifest your dream life and biz 𝘆𝗼𝘂𝗿 way? If you feel called to go deeper on this, check out my 1-1 human design sessions, where we’ll dive deep into your specific chart and identify your unique success system.

Leela Sule