What is the ROI on healing your feminine energy?

What actually happens when you heal your feminine energy? Are you sitting on a rock in the wilderness, when a light beam suddenly comes through the sky and shines onto your crown chakra? Do you start levitating above the earth feeling, well, zen AF?!

How do you get an idea of the return on investment, on something intangible?! Well the reason we make these energetic shifts is because they change the actual tangible things in our lives, right down to the money in our pockets.

Whilst energetic healing might still have a bit of a woo-woo stigma attached to it, the effects it has on your life are very much noticeable - and can be life-changing!

Why? Because your energy creates your vibration! So when you shift out the wounded energetic traits of shame, doubt and insecurity, you raise your energetic vibration. You emit out a higher frequency which in turn, attracts things of a higher vibration.

In your real life, this can look like:

  1. Better Relationships

    As you heal, you no longer attract or entertain relationships where you aren't valued or honoured - because your vibe is no longer a match for them! This isn’t limited to romantic relationships! It means all relationships; like with clients + friends!

  2. Better Opportunities

    You draw and secure better opportunities to you, because you've raised your energetic minimum of what you feel worthy of

  3. Longevity

    When you're in alignment with your core energy, you get into flow! This gives you longevity in what you're doing because you're no longer fighting against yourself (which leads to burnout!)

  4. Inner Peace, Confidence + Self Love

    Aside from all the ways this energetic healing draws tangible abundance towards you, ultimately it changes the way you feel about yourself; how you feel when you look in the mirror, go on a date, or interview for that job!

This healing is very much about what you attract and what you maintain. I know in the past, I would sabotage myself out of higher paid clients! Unconsciously not feeling worthy of the max package rate and down selling them the next month, when in hindsight, they were happy where they were!

I just didn’t have the energetic capacity then to be a match for that higher price. I didn’t feel safe receiving it!
Similarly I can see how in hindsight, when dates who genuinely did value, respect and cherish me came into my life…I’d remove myself. My vibration wasn’t a match for that kind of treatment, it didn’t feel normal or safe to me. So this would masquerade itself as me seeing them as boring, or feeling ‘no spark’!

So yes, the ROI on all of this, is really priceless, don’t you agree?

Because healing your energy doesn’t have a short term effect, it’s something you’ll benefit from forever. Even when you slip back into old habits, or when life gets tough, you’ll have the foundation you need to shift back to that higher version of yourself. The version of yourself who attracts better in all areas!

the goddess inner circle

I’ll coach you through healing your wounded feminine energy and attachment wounds, so you can manifest your dream relationship inside ‘The Goddess Inner Circle’. The waitlist is now OPEN, get yourself on it to receive a £111 off coupon in your inbox when enrolment opens in August. ✨ Join waitlist here

Feminine energy journal prompts

Identify your wounded feminine blocks so you can break through your upper limit & achieve your goals!

Download the journal prompts free!

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Leela Sule