3 Manifestation Myths Blocking You From Your Desires

There are so many myths out there about manifestation & buying into those may be keeping you from what you want! I don't say this to trigger you, but to show you what's really possible for you. 

You may believe some things about manifestation that are just downright false. & it could be hurting your progress...🤯

Here are 3 myths that you may believe about manifestation that are just NOT TRUE:

  1. Big things are harder to manifest than small things
    Not actually true! It has nothing to do with the size of the thing, but everything to do with your relationship towards it. If you think that thing is out of reach, if you have more limiting beliefs around that thing, and if you have more wounds relating to it - it will be harder! This is why module 2 of my 3 step co-creation method ; 'healing & releasing', is so key! Rewrite your paradigm, manifest your wildest desires!

  1. You manifest what you want 
    'Fraid not! You don't manifest what you want, you manifest what you are. So manifestation is about becoming. Becoming the version of yourself who has what you want. And where does that come from? Inside first! Yep, your paradigm

  2. Manifesting is about visualising and focusing on the goal 
    Not wholly true. You see visualising and focusing on the goal can help, but if you don't believe it can be yours - you can visualise all day, everyday & still find that your desire evades you. Visualising is the glamorised cherry on top, to the real process. 

I’m tired of hearing these myths and I want to show you that it's time to leave them behind & receive your wildest desires! 

⚡️Manifestation is an inside job, and the process is so beautiful because it takes you to your highest self!⚡️

My Signature course ‘Manifestation Mindset’ destroys these myths and show you just how to be a magnet for your desires. Want to learn the 3 step method to receiving your desires? Click here.

Leela Sule